RedBull BC One Event Layout
Several iterations were created and modified during the layout process as the Black&Tan team worked with the Red Bull team, venue management and planning departments to ideally layout the equipment on the site. Safe means of egress, rental equipment, fencing and staging needs were all brought into the equation. We created the base model off a client-provided CAD file of …
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Events: Rendering Branded Environments
Rendered Environments Covey the Final Look and Feel. Creating a branded environment is essential to helping partners and sponsors visualize the event in detail in order to make crucial decisions regarding site layout, audience locations, BOH operations as well as sponsor branding and the color treatments throughout the venue. Once a scene is created in 3D, we can quickly go …
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Helping event planners create visuals to speed the permitting process.
We helped the fine people at SkateFolk to layout and plan a multi-zone indoor and outdoor 2024 Olympic viewing party event in Washington D.C. We created a 3D mock-up of the site and it’s adjacent surroundings, as well as created 3D models based off existing and rental skate ramps and equipment to help the planning team validate the space and …
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Greenport Skatepark Design Concept
- 3D Animation, Conceptual Design, Design and 3D Visualization, Public Skatepark Design
3D modeling, 3d visualization, action sports, animation, concept design, Conceptual Design, fundraising campaigns, greenport skatepark, long island skatepark, skatepark design
- April 3, 2024
“Dug, this is so fantastic!!! Better than I could have even imagined!! The mini-railroad in the background is brilliant!! Honestly, this park looks killer and people are going to lose their minds. Absolutely insane & I just love it so much!!! I can’t wait to show the mayor.” Rena Wilhelm President, Greenport Skatepark Inc Existing Conditions_Greenport Skatepark, NY Greenport Skatepark …
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AirTrack USA Sports Facility Conceptual Renderings
- 3D Animation, Activities for Kids, Conceptual Design, Design and 3D Visualization, Design Development, Franchise Design
3d Renderings, AirTrack USA, concept design, dugout design studio, franchise design
- February 28, 2023
Airtrak USA in S. California uses DugOut to create 3D branded environments to show clientele what their facility will look like when it’s finished.
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WSL Finals Athlete Lounge Conceptual Renderings
DugOut Design Studio has helped another happy customer achieve their goals! Dave and Stephanie with Mesh Productions needed our help to create a presentation set of renderings to win the bid of building out the World Surf Leagues VIP Athlete Lounge for the 2021 Finals at Trestles.
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3D Product Animation
Proper LED is a new Portland based audio/visual company that is in the process of building their website and needed to generate informative content for their customers. DugOut created a 3D model based off a client-supplied LED panel and generated an explainer animation and renderings that showcases the connectivity and features of the product. Contact us today for a free …
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Eco Innovation R & D: Growing Mushroom Skateparks
- Design Development, Sustainability, Technology
circular economy, construction, eco innovation, eco-friendly, eps foam, indoor action sports, industrial design, mini-ramp, mushrooms, mycelium, skatepark design, sustainable design
- May 21, 2020
DugOut Eco Innovation Project: growing skateboard ramps out of mycelium (mushroom root structures) and hemp hurd. The prototype miniramp mold is complete and growth stage one has been activated.
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(AR) Augmented Reality for Skatepark Design
- Design and 3D Visualization, Technology
3D modeling, action sports park design, AR, augmented reality, Conceptual Design, design visualization, dugout design studio, skatepark design, technology
- April 1, 2020
We’re excited to introduce AR (Augmented Reality) for action sports design. AR is going to help clients preview and share their design intent to accelerate projects.
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Backyard Quarantine Activity: Build a Socially Distant + Reclaimed Bike Park
- Reclaimed Projects, Sustainability
backyard ramp, bmx, cornoavirus, covid-19, eco-friendly, family, quarantine activity, reclaimed, repurposing, scrap wood, start ramp, upcycling
- March 21, 2020
How we repurposed some building materials around the house to create our own modest backyard bike ramp during the coronavirus quarantine.
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