3D Fly-Through Animation, 3D Renderings, Action Sports Facilities, Branding, Events, Stage + Screen



Client: Nitro Circus Live

Date: September 22, 2018

Co-design: Dave Mateus, Travis Pastrana

Project Overview:

Dave and Travis first came to us to help convert their initial track designs into a more legible view, adding color and a few track modifications in CAD. We created a scale 3D environment of the track, adjacent buildings and parking lot layouts to help plan the logistics of the Best Trick and Quarterpipe FMX events.


• 3D scale model of site
• Live Design sessions
• Animated fly-throughs
• Hi-res rendering
• Site Layout
• CAD plans and dimensioned drawings

Design Challenges:

The largest challenge we faced during this project was working with the scale limitations in our software workflow. This scene was several miles wide, larger than most scenes.


We were able to provide the team with drawings within minutes after our online 3D design sessions, so they can then quickly and concisely communicate the latest plans with the entire team.  


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